26 February 2009

BBC NEWS | Europe | Two sexes 'sin in different ways': "Msgr Giertych said the most difficult sin for men to face was lust, followed by gluttony, sloth, anger, pride, envy and greed.

For women, the most dangerous sins were pride, envy, anger, lust, and sloth, he added."

Is Aging an Accident of Evolution? -A Galaxy Insight

Is Aging an Accident of Evolution? -A Galaxy Insight: "Everyone has assumed we age by rust. But how do you explain animals that don't age? Some tortoises lay eggs at the age of 100, there are whales that live to be 200 and clams that make it past 400 years."

24 February 2009

How We Think Before We Speak: Making Sense Of Sentences

How We Think Before We Speak: Making Sense Of Sentences: "How does the brain turn seemingly random sounds and letters into sentences with clear meaning?"

21 February 2009

The $300 Million Button

The $300 Million Button: "We were surprised how much they resisted registering."

20 February 2009

1234385828419xd8.jpg (JPEG Image, 1351x1167 pixels) - Scaled (47%)

How fanboys see the world (JPEG Image, 1351x1167 pixels)

Quantum entanglement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quantum entanglement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Quantum entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects are linked together so that one object can no longer be adequately described without full mention of its counterpart — even though the individual objects may be spatially separated."

16 February 2009

Scientists stop the ageing process (ABC News in Science)

Scientists stop the ageing process (ABC News in Science): "Scientists have stopped the ageing process in an entire organ for the first time, a study released today says."

14 February 2009

Slashdot | Is the Relational Database Doomed?

Slashdot | Is the Relational Database Doomed?: "There's an article over on Read Write Web about what the future of relational databases looks like when faced with new challenges to its dominance from key/value stores, such as SimpleDB, CouchDB, Project Voldemort and BigTable."